FIND_IN_SET. A handy little MySQL function


At we send a lot of emails. Especially when you compare it to the Cyprus market we send even more. Advocates of the Lean method we measure and report EVERYTHING. We even monitor some data real time. Reporting of a live table is a no go when you are running a real time application. So a lot of reports contain a lot of GROUP_CONCAT fields. When it comes to combinig these reprots with a semi hot table its kind of a mess to join over a field containing comma separated keys from another table.

date BETWEEN 2015-01-01 AND NOW() 
AND in (x1,x2,x3)

But x1,x2,x3 is actually a text field in report_table2.

WHERE id in (table.field)

throws an error (well maybe not if the values are integers and MySql CASTs them to the first scalar value and if you are lucky the expression will evaluate to true if you hit the first one)

The solution?

date BETWEEN 2015-01-01 AND NOW() 
AND FIND_IN_SET(,report_table2.field)

Maybe I should have known this but I didnt. It blew my mind and I thought I had to share.

Share your favourite MySQL function in the comments below

Convert all tables and fields in an sql database to utf8

database encoding scheme
I cant count the times i had to debug a script for errors and found myself spending hours on it just to find out that it was a database collation / encoding issue. Living in a greek speaking country I find my self in such a situation quite frequently…
Here is a php script to convert all your database fields and tables to utf8 or any other encoding you may wish!
database encoding scheme
Database utf8 scheme
set_time_limit(900); /* or whatever your server can handle:)*/

function mysqlError()
    if (mysql_errno()) {
        echo "Mysql Error: " . mysql_error() . "\n";

$username = "db_username";
$password = "sb_password";
$db = "databasename";
$host = "localhost";

$target_charset = "utf8";
$target_collate = "utf8_general_ci";

echo "Starting
$conn = mysql_connect($host, $username, $password);
mysql_select_db($db, $conn);
/*Select all the tables*/
$tables = array();
$r = mysql_query("SHOW TABLES");
while (($row = mysql_fetch_row($r)) != null) {
    $tables[] = $row[0];

/* Begin processing */
foreach ($tables as $table) {
    $r = mysql_query("show index from {$table}");
    $indices = array();

    while (($row = mysql_fetch_array($r)) != null) {
        if ($row[2] != "PRIMARY") {
            $indices[] = array("name" =& gt; $row[2], "unique" =& gt; !($row[1] == "1"), "col" =& gt; $row[4]);
mysql_query("ALTER TABLE {$table} DROP INDEX {$row[2]}");
echo "Dropped index {$row[2]}. Unique: {$row[1]}\n";

    $res = mysql_query("DESCRIBE {$table}");
    while (($row = mysql_fetch_array($r)) != null) {
        $name = $row[0];
        $type = $row[1];
        $set = false;
        if (preg_match("/^varchar\((\d+)\)$/i", $type, $mat)) {
            $size = $mat[1];
            mysql_query("ALTER TABLE {$table} MODIFY {$name} VARBINARY({$size})");
            mysql_query("ALTER TABLE {$table} MODIFY {$name} VARCHAR({$size}) CHARACTER SET {$target_charset}");
            $set = true;

            echo "Altered field {$name} on {$table} from type {$type}\n";
        } else if (!strcasecmp($type, "CHAR")) {
            mysql_query("ALTER TABLE {$table} MODIFY {$name} BINARY(1)");
            mysql_query("ALTER TABLE {$table} MODIFY {$name} VARCHAR(1) CHARACTER SET {$target_charset}");
            $set = true;

            echo "Altered field {$name} on {$table} from type {$type}\n";
        } else if (!strcasecmp($type, "TINYTEXT")) {
            mysql_query("ALTER TABLE {$table} MODIFY {$name} TINYBLOB");
            mysql_query("ALTER TABLE {$table} MODIFY {$name} TINYTEXT CHARACTER SET {$target_charset}");
            $set = true;

            echo "Altered field {$name} on {$table} from type {$type}\n";
        } else if (!strcasecmp($type, "MEDIUMTEXT")) {
            mysql_query("ALTER TABLE {$table} MODIFY {$name} MEDIUMBLOB");
            mysql_query("ALTER TABLE {$tab} MODIFY {$name} MEDIUMTEXT CHARACTER SET {$target_charset}");
            $set = true;

            echo "Altered field {$name} on {$table} from type {$type}\n";
        } else if (!strcasecmp($type, "LONGTEXT")) {
            mysql_query("ALTER TABLE {$table} MODIFY {$name} LONGBLOB");
            mysql_query("ALTER TABLE {$table} MODIFY {$name} LONGTEXT CHARACTER SET {$target_charset}");
            $set = true;

            echo "Altered field {$name} on {$table} from type {$type}\n";
        } else if (!strcasecmp($type, "TEXT")) {
            mysql_query("ALTER TABLE {$table} MODIFY {$name} BLOB");
            mysql_query("ALTER TABLE {$table} MODIFY {$name} TEXT CHARACTER SET {$target_charset}");
            $set = true;

            echo "Altered field {$name} on {$table} from type {$type}\n";

        if ($set)
            mysql_query("ALTER TABLE {$table} MODIFY {$name} COLLATE {$target_collate}");

    /* re-build indices as dropped in previous step*/
    foreach ($indices as $index) {
        if ($index["unique"]) {
            mysql_query("CREATE UNIQUE INDEX {$index["name"]} ON {$table} ({$index["col"]})");
        } else {
            mysql_query("CREATE INDEX {$index["name"]} ON {$table} ({$index["col"]})");

        echo "Created index {$index["name"]} on {$table}. Unique: {$index["unique"]}\n";

    /* set default collate on each table*/
    mysql_query("ALTER TABLE {$table}  DEFAULT CHARACTER SET {$target_charset} COLLATE {$target_collate}");
/* change database charset*/
mysql_query("ALTER DATABASE {$db} DEFAULT CHARACTER SET {$target_charset} COLLATE {$target_collate}");

And thats it… Make sure you change the database variables (Username password dbname)!!

Προεδρικές Εκλογές Κυπριακής Δημοκρατίας 2013 – Cyprus presidential elections 2013

What better way to market a custom service or product than to make one for yourself. The point is what? where? how?

Well if the service is facebook application then a facebook application would be the choice of sample. How to market it? Well one way is to choose a hot subject to make people use the application. The hottest topic in Cyprus now is the presidential elections. So we made an app which acts as a poll. The usual process goes on. You vote for a  candidate or select an option of (void, blank and no vote). Give it a try here.